This page was created to keep track of the status of the initial value support.
The original open task description is available here.

Below is a summary from the mailing-list.

Enabling Initial Value Support

Initial value support can be re-enabled. The Verilog upport of initial values was verified with the latest version of Quartus.

Need to test with (list syn and sim tools)?

  • Quartus latest
  • ISE (xst) latest
  • cver
  • icarus

See below for some preliminary results.

Function Attributes to Disable Initial Values

None will not be added to intbv. An argument will be added to the toVerilog and toVHDL to disable "plain" Signal init and "memory" (array) init. Something like the following.

toVerilog(... disable_init=False, disable_mem_init=False)
toVHDL( "" "" )

Arguments can always be used as ports, so configuration should go elsewhere. Currently function attributes are for such purposes:

toVerilog.disable_init = False

toVerilog Initial Values

toVerilog will only create initial values for Signals converted to register types.

Initial Values for Memories

Initial values for memories (list of signals) will be generated. If feasible the synthesizable versions of the memory init values will be generated 1.

Some Results

Altera Quartus (11.1sp2) Verilog

  1. Initial values. The reg initial values don't error during synthesis (added these manually).

  2. The initial block for RAM init values didn't error during synthesis and generated initial values for the RAM (generated a .mif file with the correct init values).

  3. ROM no BRAM used for ROM tested at size 8x2048?

Altera Quartus (11.1sp2) VHDL


Xilinx ISE (13.4) Verilog

  1. Initial values. The reg initial values don't error during synthesis (added these manually).

  2. The initial block for RAM init values didn't error during synthesis. Not clear if the initial values would be loaded (file generated)

  3. TBD

Xilinx ISE (13.4) VHDL


@todo : create a table for the above information.

Some test code here: